If you add a player or parent individually, access data will automatically be sent to the e-mail address you indicated when creating the account. However, if you add player and guardian importing them, the transfer process is slightly different. For both players and parents, you will find the "access data" tab in the left menu. There you will find all the logins and first login passwords for all of your players and their parents.
In this window you will find two main possibilities to distribute the logins and passwords of players or parents. In the last column, you will see an icon of a blue paper plane. When you click on this icon your email client will open, it can be Outlook, Gmail or Thunderbird, but remember, the email client must be configured.
When you open the mail client, a predefined message with user access data will automatically be created. You will have to click the "send" button. You will be able to perform this operation until the user activates his account and changes the password for the first login to your own.
As you can see in the picture, when you change your password to your own, in the password column "n/d" will appear.
The second way to transfer access data is to download the list with logins and passwords in PDF form and transfer the accesses in the form of paper strips. To download the file, click on the icon on the right side above the table.