The system helps us to organize coaching courses. Course participants have access to graphical programs as well as analytical tools. An important aspect is also the possibility to communicate with trainees. Personally, I also use the system in my daily work - I create course outlines. Most of the trainers we work with also use ProTrainUp. The strongest point is the multifunctionality of the system.
Andrzej MagowskiRegional Coordinator of Education and Licensing of Coaches
Polish Football Association
ProTrainUp používáme od roku 2020 a je to velmi užitečný systém pro správu kurzů. Díky tomuto softwaru jsme zlepšili komunikaci s účastníky, kteří používají fórum a kalendář. S našimi studenty si můžeme vyměňovat soubory kurzů oběma směry, lektoři mohou sdílet své prezentace s účastníky kurzu, kteří nám musí nahrávat své tréninkové deníky. Další užitečnou funkcí je Taktická tabule, což je vynikající grafický nástroj pro přípravu cvičení a animací pro praktickou část a praktické zkoušky. Tým za tím nám nabízí skvělou podporu, naslouchá našim potřebám a pomáhá s překladem do našeho jazyka.
Iztok KavčičVedoucí vzdělávání trenérů
Football Association of Slovenia
KKS Lech Poznań je klub, který vždy míří na nejvyšší cíle, ale k jejich dosažení je nutné řídit mnoho, často rozptýlených oblastí s jasným a přímým přístupem k informacím a analýzám. Dnes je v tomto procesu nezbytné využití informačních systémů. Začali jsme spolupracovat s ProTrainUp, protože jsme hledali systém, který by pokryl širokou škálu činností Klubu a zároveň nabídl spolehlivý software, který by bylo možné rozšiřovat a přizpůsobovat našim očekávaným potřebám. ProTrainUp Sp. z o.o. je společnost, která přistupuje ke každému klientovi s plnou profesionalitou a odhodláním a implementuje dohodnuté řešení podle dohodnutých očekávání a harmonogramu.
Barłomiej GrzelakVědecké oddělení v KKS Lech Poznaň
KKS Lech Poznan
Jednou z nejdůležitějších věcí ve fungování velké Akademie je organizace a management. ProTrainUp nám poskytuje mnoho možností a funkcí pro shromažďování všech dat a organizaci pracovního procesu v různých odděleních. Zvláštní výhodou je snadné a jednoduché vytváření tréninků a jejich sdílení v rámci klubu. S vynikající zákaznickou podporou a vedením nám ProTrainUp pomáhá na naší cestě k úspěchům.
Martin KolarAdministrátor & Analytik zápasů
Dinamo Zagreb
To date, we have used many different academy/club management systems. This was causing the time we were spending on our administrative activities to be significant. The ProTrainUp system has all the required modules and much more to allow the Academy to grow. Using it for daily tasks, keeps time to a minimum. ProTrainUp is a comprehensive tool, everything is intuitive and quite easy to use. It is worth noting a very important additional element, namely the support of the customer service team - it is at a very high level!
Łukasz RadłowskiAdministrator
Juventus Academy Warszawa
We decided for ProTrainUp first of all - because I have worked on ProTrainUp system before, secondly it helps in organization and monitoring of the whole training process in the Academy, thirdly the system is an extensive tool for contact with coaches, players, parents. It allows to monitor players on many levels, to plan and evaluate training work.
Krystian KierachHead of Coaching
ŁKS Łódź
ProTrainUp streamlines the work of all members of the Slask Wroclaw first team staff. Starting from the coach through assistants, physiotherapists and manager. At the same time all the information about trainings and players is available at any time, as well as their statistics or current health status. This greatly facilitates the flow of information within the club..
Jarosław SzandrochoMedical Department Coordinator
WKS Śląsk Wrocław
We decided to implement PTU into the Youth Basketball Training Centers program because of the system's sensational capabilities. Thanks to the system we were finally able to start real monitoring of work in our centers and track talents in training. The strongest point of the system is its functionality, interface and immediate reaction of the technical support in case of any problems. We definitely recommend using PTU!
Maciej SzelągowskiHead of the Young Basketball Players Program
Polish Basketball Association
We implemented the ProTrainUp system to organize and simplify the daily aspects of running youth teams. The system is also an efficient and convenient communication tool between us and the parents of our young players: training schedules and other information reach them immediately. Parents can also control the payment status of their dues and in case of arrears they can be conveniently informed about the missing payment.
Filip PiteraSports Department
MKS Cracovia S.S.A.
Implementation of the PTU program has allowed us to better organize the work in our club. The system helps us in communication between coaches, parents and players. It allows us to systematize our training system by entering exercises into our database. We are very satisfied with customer service which is on the highest level.
Tomasz Niedbalski Head of Coaching
WKK Wrocław
Why did we decide to implement ProTrainUp? We are trying to develop our nursery from an IT point of view. What is important, the price of the system is very affordable. How does the system help us in our everyday work? First of all, it helps us in contacting parents and coaches and it allows us to react to timely payments. The system also helps in preparing and later using training outlines by the staff. What is the strongest point of the ProTrainUp system? Every element of the system is strong, ProTrainUp helps us a lot in collecting and controlling fees.
Józef MarekBoard Member
Chemik Pustków
We decided to implement the ProTrainUp system as a Club because we were looking for a very good functioning and easy to use program that would meet our needs. ProTrainUp from its initial premise of facilitating communication and team control is becoming more and more practical for us every day. From contact with players, coaches and parents, to a database for player test results, to coordinating facility reservations and class schedules, to verifying membership fee payments, to the ease of creating training outlines and even more recently the presentation of lineups at game previews. It's hard to single out the strongest side of ProTrainUp because every now and then we find something new that makes Club management easier. With a clear conscience we can say one thing: after introducing the ProTrainUp system to our club we cannot imagine managing without it.
Rafał MichalakBoard Member
KP Beskid Skoczów
We have tested several different programs to support the Football Academy and we can confidently say that ProTrainUp is the best program for sports clubs in Poland. As of today, I can't imagine daily work and club management without ProTrainUp. Everything in one place: handouts, attendance, club store, video analysis, instant contact with players and parents via application. I use and recommend it, because it is really worth it.
Jarosław BawelskiCEO
MUKS Żaki Szczecin
We decided to implement the program because of the number of options for the parent: research, injuries, games. I cannot imagine running a club without your help, communication with parents is the basis and control over the training process. However, the strongest side of ProTrainUp is the database of exercises and the possibility of building outlines.
Dariusz ŚmigielskiHead of Coaching
KKS Kotwica Kórnik
Having used various platforms/programs to create handouts, exercises, bases, plans, club management, none was as clear and developed as ProTrainUp. It is by far the best system, with nice, clear graphics. It is perfect for planning the work of the academy and individual teams, and the system for creating exercises and outlines allows for quick and pleasant work. It's hard to name the strongest point of the system, I recommend ProTrainUp to every coach or club manager. It is by far the best option to choose from on the market!
Jakub BudźkoHead of Coaching
Futbalo Białystok
Our Club decided to implement the PTU system in order to raise the standard of coaches' work and make it easier for them to lead the team. At the moment it is the best program for creating training plans and managing information about players and the team. In everyday work coaches use PTU to create JTs, rosters, communicate with players and parents etc. The strongest point of PTU is the ease of creating drills and rosters.
Krzysztof LeśniakiewiczHead of Operations
NKP Podhale
We remember the first steps of ProTrainUp, because we've been with you from the very beginning. We implemented the system to be able to manage our training efficiently and comprehensively. Today, from the PTU level we are able to manage not only the training, but most of the processes in our club. We value you for your quality and your passion for development, which provides us with the possibility to support dynamic changes that occur in the world of football.
Rafał RożekGeneral Secretary
Widok Skierniewice
As a team of Big-Point Academy we decided to implement ProTrainUp system into our daily work, encouraged by very positive experience we gained while working as Trainers in other academies using this software. Using PTU allows us to systematize training work and facilitates contact on the line Coach-Player and Coach-Coordinator-Parent. The biggest advantage of the system is its simplicity of usage and countless tools that help to conduct quality training work and professional administrative work.
Mateusz WęgrzynekHead of Coaching
Akademia Sportu Big-Point
We introduced the system so that the club would function more professionally and be managed at a higher level. The system enables contact between coaches, parents, club management, gives the possibility of current control over training, matches, coaches' work results. The strongest point of the system is its stability and constant development.
Sławomir StefańskiCEO
Lech Rypin
Managing a small but multi-section Sports Academy, we needed a tool that would help us efficiently manage and communicate with both staff and class participants and their parents. ProTrainUp met our expectations. Thanks to keeping a log of classes by the trainers, we have a constant overview of the quality of work and monitoring of attendance. This enables us to take immediate corrective action and react quickly. This increases the effectiveness of our work and has an impact on our image. The program is very useful in managing a nursery. It allows coaches to prepare for classes and, thanks to the extensive library of training resources, it is easy and clear to prepare lesson plans, which are in accordance with the requirements of certification of football schools. This is a very good working tool for everyone who participates in the life of our Academy. Today I cannot imagine the functioning of our academy without ProTrainUp.
Zbigniew KordusHead of Coaching
Akademia Sportu Młode Orły
We decided to implement the ProTrainUp system at our club because we saw in the founders the passion and creativity to continually grow. Our club, like the ProTrainUp system, is constantly looking to improve its goals and set new challenges to improve the training process. The system not only helps to plan the training system, but it is a great tool to manage the club in many aspects. We cannot imagine the functioning of the club without the ProTrainUp system. New proposals and expansion of individual capabilities of the system makes the Academy 2012 Jaworzno can develop harmoniously.
Nikodem MotykaFounder
Akademia 2012 Jaworzno
ProTrainUp is the only program that ensures our club's operation both in terms of documentation and communication between club-coach-player-parent. The system helps us in: documenting trainings (training outlines) with the exact place, time and subjects, organizing games, e.g. determining the place and time of meeting for a match (along with informing players), documentation needed in the PZPN certification system, communication between managers and coaches, coaches and team (parents and players) and storing important documentation in an electronic form. The strongest point of the system is its functionality including communication, which is provided in a mobile version.
Marcin PierwołaCoach
KS Ceramika Opoczno
We decided on the ProTrainUp system to use to improve communication between parents and coaches. The system helps us fit a large amount of information in one place and systematize it, and it cuts down on our work time. The strength is having so many useful features for running a soccer school in one place.
Adam LangaCEO
Puszcza Hajnówka
Why did you decide to implement ProTrainUp? PTU helps us to organize our training. How does the system help you in your daily work? It helps us record membership dues, create training plans, create handouts and communicate with parents. It helps us in creating a database about the club and players. What is the strongest point of the ProTrainUp system - creating training plans, database, communication with parents.
Mariusz LewandowskiHead of Coaching
Sl Salos Szczecin
The main reason for establishing cooperation was the ability to manage teams in a comprehensive way, i.e. module of communication between coaches and parents, module of accounting for membership fees, module of controlling attendance, module of creating schedules, module of creating training measures. Of course, the price was also an important element.
Dariusz WcisłoHead of Coaching
Orzeł Sidzina Kraków
Wanting to develop in terms of organization and training we decided that ProTrainUp system is the right tool for efficient organization of a coach's work as well as administration of a football school. We use many modules and thanks to the system we have unified way of communication with parents and players as well as among coaches themselves. The system has helped us shorten many processes in the organization of the school, such as calling players for a match, everything is done in the system. For me the strongest point is the accessibility and quick reaction of people who create this project. Most of the solutions are tailored to the needs of the club.
Michał KożuchowskiHead of Coaching
Mustang Ostaszewo
ProTrainUp is the answer to the modern working tool of every trainer. Its application and wide range of possibilities fully corresponds to our everyday needs, both when it comes to a trainer's work, as well as club's administrative staff. The program is highly intuitive and user-friendly. We needed such a tool to be able to fully coordinate the work of the Academy from one place. The system allows full management of the football school in all its aspects. Its incredible functionality and flexibility puts ProTrainUp ahead of the competition in terms of new features and updates. Working with the program is pleasant and clear for all users. The system developers are constantly open to new solutions suggested by customers. Their flexible approach to customers makes everyone feel fully taken care of, and the customer feels that his opinion is equally important. We are glad that together with the PTU team we can constantly improve the quality of this program.
Adam TomasikAdministrative Specialist
Akademia Piłki Nożnej SMS Tychy
We were looking for a system that would contribute to the development of our Academy. The main determinant was to systematize and coordinate the work of the entire training staff. We wanted the system to be comprehensive and at the same time easy to use. ProTrainUp met our expectations. The system mainly helps us in planning and realizing program goals for given age categories. Thanks to the possibility of creating training measures and using the public database of the system, we can create or find training measures ideal for training concepts. Another thing that makes our work easier is the possibility to keep and archive all statistics in one place. Attendance, number of training units, training outlines, match and individual statistics and many others. In my opinion one of the strongest points of the system is the ability to use the application for a phone, which makes it possible to control our work at all times. A very good option is the ability to send any information to players and parents. Another good solution is the creation of training measures and animations in the program.
Sławomir ChadajDirector
OSiR Sokołów Podlaski
When answering the question of why we chose ProTrainUp, one must be aware that a broadly understood Development should also touch upon the control of the training process. This will allow for precise conclusions clearly based on data relating to our previous plans. The daily training work is a search for the progress of the players. We can read it by collecting data, i.e. training attendance, match evaluation, match (training) excerpt as a hint for further work, results of motoric tests etc. One of the strongest points of ProTrainUp is the access to the data of all people interested in Development. I am thinking here not only of players and coaches, but also parents and club managers. Moreover, the facilitated communication allows the message to be clear, maintaining good relations.
Robert BrzezińskiHead of Coaching
MKS Myszków
The ProTrainUp system provides a wealth of possibilities for professional monitoring of the training and match process, which is why we have implemented it into the work of our academy. Most often we use the program to record training units in which we use the possibility of creating graphics and animations for individual exercises. We create work plans in the system and enter information from league matches.
Marcin PerlińskiHead of Coaching
We were looking for a solution to support our school in terms of training plans and systematizing training, as well as something that would allow us to monitor the player and give us the possibility of contacting his tutor, and here PTU proved itself in 100%. The system has systematized our training plan in particular youth groups, and has also revolutionized the information flow CLUB - PLAYER - CARER. The strongest points are: fast operation, constant development of new functionalities, technical support in EXPRESS speed
Radosław PuchałaClub manager
Stradom Częstochowa
We implemented ProTrainUp to make our job easier and save time. It definitely helps us with controlling payments, attendance, and class progress. I think the strongest point is that such a program exists :) jokingly, it is hard to choose because it is very comprehensive. Maybe this is the strongest point, that the system is extensive and has many possibilities.
Katarzyna LindnerOwner
Akademia Pływania Szymax
We decided on the ProTrainUp system because it has many tools that help us manage our football school in many areas from sports and training aspects to project management and communication. The strongest point of the system is the desire for continuous development based on suggestions from the community and the team of people that make up the company
Krzysztof TureckiCOO
Szkoła Futbolu Staniątki
We decided to use ProTrainUp to raise the standards of training at the Academy. We are in the PZPN Certification Program, so your program helps us a lot in preparing the handouts. Also some coaches have better contact with parents. The strongest point in my opinion is the preparation of trainings.
Maciej BaranCEO
AP Ziomki Rzeszów
The system has improved communication with club staff and parents. The database of exercises is very large, and the coaches are very satisfied with the interface in which they prepare the handouts. As a board we cannot imagine the functioning of the academy without ProTrainUp.
Tomasz MazanekHead of Coaching
MKS Myszków
ProTrainUp is the ideal system to manage your club. It is ideal for PZPN certification. In everyday work it supports coaches in planning trainings and creating training outlines. The strongest point of the application is the contribution panel, where everything is automated for the parent as well as for the club accountant.
Karol OsowskiHead of Coaching
KS Legion Bydlin
I've been using the system for 3 years, great for managing a sports club for a coordinator, for a coach it's easy to lead a team, communication between players and coaches, it has many functions making it easier to lead a team, such as fatigue assessment, etc. Excellent system to help in coaching courses, by creating graphics and animations in a very simple way. For me the strongest point of ProTrainUp, are the people managing this system.
Piotr MazurkiewiczHead of Coaching
Lubelski ZPN
As the President and coordinator of the Academy the system allows me to verify the work of the coach, the possibility of analysis of the training plan and its implementation. It also allows you to conduct systematic control over the yearbook to verify attendance. The strongest point is its functionality and continuous development.