Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Chapters in the section

Frequently asked questions

Tomasz Cybulski
1 month ago

In this chapter, we will try to present the causes and solutions to problems often reported by users.

There may be several reasons for this. The first maybe because you did not accept the display of any notifications from ProTrainUp during installation. In this case, go to your phone's notification settings and accept all notification options for ProTrainUp. A second reason may be that several phones/tablets are logged in between them within the application. In this case, log out and log back into the application on the device where you have notification problems.

The most common reason for this is the parent's e-mail address in the player's profile. To solve this problem, go to edit the player's profile and remove the parent's email address from the field. Remember not to enter the parent's email address in the player's account when adding players.

This situation usually occurs because there is no current season in the team or because the team has a non-standard season. If this is the beginning of the season and the team does not yet have any relevant data collected for the given season, delete it and create a new standard (annual) season. If a problem arises when the season is already full, report it to us, we will try to help.

This situation is usually due to the fact that the season has ended. The solution to this problem is to edit the end of the season date or create a new one.

The phrase "n/d" means that the user has changed the password for the first login to his own private password. In this case, the only solution is for the user to reset the password.